Dillon Danis: "I shouldn't have stooped to his level"

YouTuber turned WWE superstar Logan Paul is set to take on Dillon Danis in the co-main event of the Prime card on October 14. The Misfits Boxing pay-per-view will be held in Manchester, England. The build up to the fight has gotten quite ugly and personal with both parties crossing their line with their supposed

YouTuber turned WWE superstar Logan Paul is set to take on Dillon Danis in the co-main event of the Prime card on October 14. The Misfits Boxing pay-per-view will be held in Manchester, England.

The build up to the fight has gotten quite ugly and personal with both parties crossing their line with their supposed banter and promotion. Danis has gone after Paul's fiancee and Danish model Nina Agdal, relentlessly posting pictures of her from her past relationships. He has also posted doctored images showing Agdal with other men.

Paul has also gone too far in retort by passing comments about Danis' mom, Nikki Danis. In a recent interview on FLAGRANT, he was confronted about his own comments and he stated that he regretted it.

Logan Paul issued an apology to Nikki Danis and also explained his comments as a response to Dillon Danis' outrageous actions. Paul said:

“What do you want from me? You want me to be an angel? [You insinuated his mom was a prostitute] Nah, nah, nah. I didn’t wanna do that. Nikki, I’m sorry, I’m f*****g sorry. I swear to God I didn’t wanna do that. [You did it] And you’re right. You’re right. I did do it. And I did it because I was pushed to a line ‘cause my opponent crossed a line and I shouldn’t have stooped to his level. I shouldn’t. Nikki, I’m f*****g sorry. You raised a scumbag, you did. He’s a bad person. And he got me to a place where I didn’t wanna go.” [1:34:00]

Logan Paul dismisses rumour that he sent Dillon Danis a cease-and-desist letter

Amidst the controversy and posting multiple pictures of Nina Agdal, Dillon Danis also claimed that Logan Paul had threatened him with a cease-and-desist letter.

Paul dismissed the claim on the interview on FLAGRANT and stated that Danis did not know what he was talking about and was spreading baseless lies.

"No. F**k no. I even said that in the face-to-face. He's like, 'You sent a cease and desist.' I said, 'What does it say?' He says, 'I don't know!' I said, 'Do you even know what a cease and desist is?' He's like, 'I don't know.' I was like, 'You're just saying things? You're making things up.' Cease and desist for what? He lied about that. He lied about wanting to go eight, ten, twelve rounds, and he won't do it. He lied about the bet, lied about me denying Olympic-level drug testing." [58:36]

Check out Logan Paul's full comments below:

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